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chapter 26 - 29

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chapter 26 - 29 Empty chapter 26 - 29

Post by Admin Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:40 pm

Chapter 26

Madison Estate:

“Thank you Rachel”, Elizabeth said. “I am a Christmas lover”.

“No you’re a Christmas freak”, Jason said walking in.

“But you love this Christmas freak, and you’re a brat”, Elizabeth told him.

“I do and I know”, Jason said with a laugh. “Where is everyone”?

“Well; Jeff and Sofia are out shopping for their house”. “Grams is at the hospital with Steven”. “I’m not sure about the others”, Elizabeth said.

“Okay”, Jason said leading his fiancée upstairs.

“What are you up to Mr. Morgan”, Liz said as she was being led up to their room?

“I am planning on showing you how much I love you”, Jason said.

And as they reached their bedroom, Jason did indeed show Elizabeth how much she was loved.


As Liz and Jason were loving each other, others were doing things to get ready for the holiday season.


But while the citizens of Port Charles were getting into the holiday spirit; there were sinister people prepping to wreak havoc on the town.


And in some distant locale, someone was waiting to hear that Elizabeth Webber was dead.


Later that day:

“Liz, are you sure about the day after tomorrow”, Jason asked?

“What has you worried Jason”, Elizabeth asked?

“My gut is telling me that something is wrong”. “We still haven’t found those responsible for the shootings”, Jason said.

“It’ll be okay”. “You and dad have upped security; and Mac Gibbs and Taggart will be there”. “We’ll be okay”, Elizabeth said.

Jason let it drop, as he was determined not to lose her.


“Good morning Georgia”, Gibbs said walking in bearing coffee.

“Let’s cut to the chase Agent Gibbs”. “Why am I here”? “Why was I taken from my home and brought here”, Georgia questioned?

“You’re here because we know that you hired a hit-man to kill a woman and her granddaughter”, Gibbs said watching her flinch.

Then he showed her the proof.

“Is that all”, Georgia asked coldly?

“No; it’s not”. “We know about the prostitution and blackmail”, Gibbs said.

There was no response from Georgia.

“We also know about what you did to Maggie Gallagher”, Gibbs said.

“What did I do to that bxxxx”, Georgia asked?

“Faking her son’s death; taking him and raising him as your own”, Gibbs said.

Again, no response from Georgia.

“What about hiring Anthony Falconeri to hurt Maggie Gallagher Georgia”, Gibbs asked?

Yet again, no response from the woman.


“McGee, take her back to her cell; she’s going anywhere”, Gibbs said.


“Mason, would it work to throw the fact that we know about Diana shake some things loose”, Gibbs asked?

“I don’t know”, Mason replied.

“What about Ramirez and Darnell”? “Or you”, Gibbs asked Mason?

“At this point, anything would be worth a try”. “But I would leave me only as a last resort”, Mason said.

“Okay”, Jethro returned.


Around Port Charles ->

It seemed like everyone was finishing up last minute Christmas shopping. Elizabeth was all done and her gifts were wrapped and it was only December 5th.

Yes, she did have to go out and get gifts for Gibbs and his team, her grandmother as well as Mac and family. But she’d done it.

The pile of gifts under the tree was huge. It had been decided that Christmas would be at Jason and Elizabeth’s.


Later that night:

Everyone was gathered in Liz’s family room helping Jeff and Sofia plan their weeding, which was to be on New Year’s Eve.

Unknown location:


“Is she dead”?

“She will be after tomorrow”.

“Good”. “Call me when she is found dead”.

“Will do”.


Phone rings again…………………


“Is she dead”?

“No, but by tomorrow she will be”.

“You’d best not mess this up”. “I will no longer have patience for your failures”.

“It will be done by tomorrow”.

The next day ->

Sarah Webber was pissed! She had tried to withdraw some of her inheritance from Grandpa Steve, only to be told that the account was empty. How could that be?


Arriving at the bank, she demanded to see the manager.


“How can I help you”, the manager asked?

“I went to withdraw funds from this account; but I was informed the account was empty”, Sarah said. “I would like to know why; when there should be at least 5 million in the account”.

“Let me do some checking”, the manager said standing and going to check.


When he returned he was carrying a piece of paper.


“I am sorry”, the manager said handing her the paper which read:

This is to inform this branch of this bank that the account numbered …………… has been closed at our parent branch. Funds are no longer available.

“WHAT”, Sarah yelled?

“I am sorry ma’am”, the manager said.

“I will be getting to the bottom of this”, Sarah informed before storming out.


Port Charles:

Audrey had closed the account that Sarah had been trying to access.

She had gotten a cashier’s check for the entire amount and would be giving it to Elizabeth’s foundation.

She was very proud of Elizabeth.


“Gibbs, Abby’s on the link for you”, Ziva said.


“Abby, what have you got”, Gibbs asked?

“Not much”. “I am sending you what I have on Georgia Hansen”. “Still got nothing on Ramirez or Darnell”, Abby told him.

“Keep at it”, Gibbs ordered.


Falconeri home:

“Hi papa”, Liz said to Harrison.

“Hello Liz”, Harrison said. “Your grandma will be joining us in a while”.

“Good”, Elizabeth said.

“So, how goes the Christmas shopping”, Harrison asked?

“I’m all done”, Liz answered as Alex walked in and hugged her granddaughter.

“Hi honey”, Alex said.

“Hi Nana”, Liz replied with a smile.

And so that was how they spent the day; just talking with each other.

meanwhile ->


“You ready to talk Georgia”, Gibbs asked walking in?

“Go to hell”, Georgia spat.

“I thought you’d like to know; we have an old employee of yours. An Amanda Holden”, Gibbs said seeing Georgia flinch.

“Amanda who”, Georgia tried to cover?

“Amanda Holden”. “One of your ladies of the evening”, Gibbs said.

There was no response.


“DiNozzio, take her back”, Gibbs said. “We’ll talk more later Georgia”.

Madison Estate:

Elizabeth was sitting on the sofa killing the 3 hours before the concert just lounging when Jenn walked in.

“Hi”, Jenn said.

“Hey”, Liz replied. “So, do you like working for my mom”?

“Your mom is a riot”, Jenn said laughing. “I think she insulted my wardrobe”.

“She probably did”, Liz said with a laugh.

“So, we’re cousins”, Jenn said.

“We are”. “This is all so hard to fathom”, Liz said. “And we don’t even have all the acts yet”.

“I know”, Jenn said. “I started out just wanting to know my dad”.

“I wasn’t looking for anything”. “It found me; but I am glad it did”, Liz said. “Because, now I have family that loves me for me”.

“Me too”, Jenn said hugging Liz.


All of a sudden shot were heard.

“What’s going on”, Gibbs asked Robert as the shots stopped?

“Let’s go find out”, Robert said.


“What happened”, Robert asked one of his men?

“This man walked in and pulled a gun and tried to get into cells”, the agent said.

“Who was he after”, Robert asked?

“Diana Webber; he signed in claiming to be family”, the agent said.

“Someone wants her dead”, Gibbs said.

“Yeah; and they might have gotten their wish if not for security”, Robert stated.


“Boss”, Taggart said?

“Yeah Marcus”, Mac asked?

“Curly’s dead”, Marcus said.

“How”, Mac asked?

“Someone broke his neck”, Marcus said.

“In lockup”, Mac asked pissed off?

“Yeah, in his cell to be exact”, Marcus answered.

“Damn”, Mac stated.


1 hour prior to concert:

Elizabeth was putting the finishing touches to her outfit. Jason was waiting downstairs.


All Jason could say as Elizabeth came down the stairs was “WOW”!

“You look beautiful”, Jason said.

“You’re not half bad yourself”, Liz replied.

“You ready”, Jason asked?

“Yes”, Liz answered.


Port Charles High School ->

As Alan sat down, he commented to Monica:

“It’s strange to come to a benefit concert in jeans”.

“It’s how Elizabeth wanted it”, Monica said.


“Monica”, Kate said approaching with Audrey, Alex and Maggie?

Monica rose and greeted all four women. “Where’s Harrison and Mason”, she asked?

“They’re talking security with Jason and the others”, Maggie said.

“Oh”, Monica said. “How are you getting along Maggie, with everything”?

We’re adjusting. Jenn and I are looking for a house. Mason’s looking for one as well, Maggie said.


Good evening everyone. I hope that everyone is ready to hear some good music, Liz said.

Love, Me
Artist: Collin Raye

Love, Me
I read a note my Grandma wrote... back in 1923....
Grandpa kept it in his coat... and he showed it once to me...
He said, Boy, you might not understand... but a long long time ago...
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none... but I loved your Grandma so....

We had this crazy plan to meet... and run away together...
Get married in the first town we came to... and live forever...
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet... instead...
I found this letter ...and this is what it said....

If you get there before I do... don't give up on me...
I'll meet you when my chores are through... I don't know how long I'll
But I'm not gonna let you down... Darlin' wait and see....
And between now and then... till I see you again...
I'll be loving you... Love, Me

I read those words just hours before... my Grandma passed away...
In the doorway of a church... where me and Grandpa stopped to pray...
I know I'd never seen him cry... in all my fifteen years...
But as he said these words to her... his eyes filled up with tears...

If you get there before I do... don't give up on me...
I'll meet you when my chores are through... I don't know how long I'll
But I'm not gonna let you down... Darlin' wait and see...
And between now and then... till I see you again...
I'll be loving you..... Love, Me

And between now and then ...till I see you again...
I'll be loving you... Love, Me

Nobody Wins Lyrics
Artist: Radney Foster

You said this ain't over yet
I've said things that I'll regret
Won't be easy to forget
Scars take time to heal

Before another bitter word gets used
I was hoping we could call a truce

'Cause nobody wins, we both lose
Hearts get broken and love gets bruised
When we light that same old fuse
Again and again

Nobody wins, slammin' doors
We both lost this fight before
And I won't play that game no more
'Cause nobody wins

Darlin', we got too much pride
It don't matter whose wrong or right
Honey, love ain't black and white
It's the way I feel bout you

All I want to do is hold you tight
I can't take another angry night

Nobody wins, we both lose
Hearts get broken and love gets bruised
When we light that same old fuse
Again and again

Nobody wins, slammin' doors
We both lost this fight before
And I won't play that game no more
'Cause nobody wins

I know something's 'bout to break if we don't bend
Baby, what's it gonna take

Nobody wins, we both lose
Hearts get broken and love gets bruised
When we light that same old fuse
Again and again

Nobody wins, slammin' doors
We both lost this fight before
And I won't play that game no more
'Cause nobody wins
Nobody wins, nobody wins

Nobody wins

Chapter 27

Port Charles High:

“When I heard this song the first time, I realized that there was a huge message in it for Jason and I”. “That message was that as a couple you need to talk to each other and communicate with each other, or the relationship won’t work”, Elizabeth said glancing at Jason.

Easier Said Than Done
Artist: Radney Foster

You put together all the pieces of the puzzle
So one more lie would be a waste of my breath
It's too late now for me to start being truthful
No amount of regret could win back your love

You see it's easier said than done
Words can't rebuild all the trust my lies killed
Resurrect some old feeling that's already gone

You see I can't make I love you
Mean what it used to
It's easier said than done

You've got every right girl to hate me
For betraying any real love we've known
Only a fool could break something so sacred
And begging forgiveness won't right the wrong

You see it's easier said than done
Words can't rebuild all the trust my lies killed
Resurrect some old feeling that's already gone

You see I can't make I love you
Mean what it used to
It's easier said than done

You see I can't make I love you
Mean what it used to
It's easier said than done

“When I heard this song for the first time about a month ago, I knew that I need to ask our next performer to come and sing this song”, Elizabeth said…..

Dream Big
Artist: Katrina Elam

There comes a time in every bodies life
When your destiny is born
There's no doubt what you're all about
Is there without a warning

When it comes you gotta take it
And believe you're gonna make it through
There's not a challenge you can't face
There's not a rainbow you can't chase

Dream big, reach high
Don't ever be afraid to spread your wings and fly
With a heart full of faith
A whole lotta luck and some love to see you through
Dream big and it just might come true

Always know what the future holds
Is in the hands of fate
And don't forget that when times get tough
The gift is worth the wait

And when it finally comes together
Your star will shine forever more
And it could give hope to all the rest
Show them how to be the best

Dream big, reach high
Don't ever be afraid to spread your wings and fly
With a heart full of faith
A whole lotta luck and some love to see you through
Dream big and it just might come true

Oh, with a heart full of faith
A whole lotta luck and some love to see you through
Dream big and it just might come true

“Dad, I love you very much”. “And I about to give you a crash course in funny”, Liz said grinning at Sonny. “This song is for all dads in the room tonight”.

Artist: Diamond Rio

Gettin' out of the tub, all drawn up like a raisin
Showed my fingers to my daddy while he was shavin'
Said, "Look at my toes dad what's wrong with my skin
Will this go away, will I be normal again?"

Well, he picked me up and set me down on the hamper
Wiped off his face while he gave me the answer
It was the first time I noticed the lines in his grin
As he dabbed a little foam on the end of my chin and he said

Those are wrinkles, ain't nothin' to be scared of
They're just a product of time and true love
Some are gonna come and go, some are gonna come and stay
Son, you're still young, you're gonna be okay

Well, I walked down the hall, saw my momma gettin' ready
For a long over due date dinner with daddy
She was cussin' those crows feet, didn't know I was listenin'
Started talkin' about her younger years
And how much she missed them and I said

Those are wrinkles, ain't nothin' to be scared of
They're just a product of time and true love
Some are gonna come and go, some are gonna come and stay
Mom you still look young, you're gonna be okay

As I get a little older, I'm startin' to get a few
And I'm sure I gave mom and dad at least one or two
We're all gonna have 'em, there ain't no doubt
But those are wrinkles in life, ain't nothin' you can't iron out

Those are wrinkles, ain't nothin' to be scared of
Some are gonna come and go, some are gonna come and stay
I still feel young, gonna be okay
Those are wrinkles ain't nothin' to be scared of

“After Lucky died, this song really got to my heart”. “I loved Lucky in my own way, and I still miss him”. “He was a very good friend”, Elizabeth said.

Someone Else's Turn to Cry
Artist: Chalee Tennison

Hello, old friend, haven't seen you for a while
Just how long has it been, I've missed your smile
It's so easy to lose touch
Some days I'd all but given up on you
Now here you are to see me through

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the strongest one of all
The broken heart I used to be of
This woman staring back at me

I'm so glad you've come around
With your help I won't back down
It's time to hold our head up high
It's someone else's turn to cry

You and I, we go back a long, long way
Still I'm surprised to see that look upon your face
I don't see the tears this time
There is something different in your eyes
Now I know how I've needed you so

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the strongest one of all
The broken heart I used to be of
This woman staring back at me

I'm so glad you've come around
With your help I won't back down
It's time to hold our head up high
It's someone else's turn to cry

I'm so glad you've come around
With your help I won't back down
It's time to hold our head up high
Let's wipe the tears out of our eyes
It's someone else's turn to cry

“I requested of our next artist, this song”. “I am sending this song out to my wonderful and loving grandmother Audrey Hardy”. “She loved my grandpa to very end of his life”, Liz said.

Two Teardrops
Artist: Steve Wariner

Two teardrops
(Two teardrops)

Two teardrops were floatin' down the river
One teardrop said to the other
"I'm from the soft blue eyes of a woman in love
I'm a tear of joy she couldn't carry
She was so happy she just got married
I was on her cheek when she wiped me away with her glove
I could tell from the look on her face she didn't need me
So I drifted on down and caught me a ride to the sea"

The other tear said, "We've got a connection
I'm a tear of sorrow born of rejection
I'm from the sad brown eyes of her old flame
She told him they would be lifelong companions
Left him with questions and not any answers
I was on his cheek as he stood there calling her name
I could tell he had a lot of my friends for company
So I drifted on down and caught me a ride to the sea"

Oh, the ocean's a little bit bigger tonight
Two more teardrops somebody cried
One of them happy and one of them bluer than blue
The tide goes out and the tide comes in
And someday they'll be teardrops again
Released in a moment of pleasure or a moment of pain
Then they drift on down and ride to the sea again

Two teardrops
(Two teardrops)

Last night I sat in the waiting room
The nurse walked in and gave me the news
It's a baby girl and they're both fine
An old man sittin' not 10 feet away
Just lost his wife and he said to me
"You've got a brand new angel and I've lost mine
I guess the good Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away
And we both wiped a teardrop from our face"

Oh, the ocean's a little bit bigger tonight
Two more teardrops somebody cried
One of them happy and one of them bluer than blue
The tide goes out and the tide comes in
A whole new circle of life begins
Where tears are a part of the pleasure and part of the pain
'Til they drift on down and ride to the sea again

Two teardrops floatin' down the river
Two teardrops
(Two teardrops)
Two teardrops floatin' down the river
Two teardrops
(Two teardrops)

Hold On To The Nights
Artist: Richard Marx

Just when I believed
I couldn't ever want for more
This ever changing world
Pushes me through another door

I saw you smile and my mind
Could not erase the beauty of your face
Just for awhile
Won't you let me shelter you?

Hold on to the nights
Hold on to the memories
I wish that I could give you something more
That I could be yours

How do we explain
Something that took us by surprise?
Promises in vain
Love that is real but in disguise

What happens now
Do we break another rule
Let our lovers play the fool?
I don't know how
To stop feeling this way

Hold on to the nights
Hold on to the memories
If only I could give you more

Well, I think that I've been true
To everybody else but me
And the way I feel about you
Makes my heart long to be free

Every time I look into your eyes
I'm helplessly aware
That the someone I've been searching for
Is right there

Hold on to the nights
Hold on to the memories
I wish that I could give you more

Hold on to the nights

“This next song is for Jason and Elizabeth”, Steven said from the stage.

Right Here Waiting
Artist: Richard Marx

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
Then how can we say forever?

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby?
You've got me goin' crazy

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby?
You've got me goin' crazy

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

Waiting for you

Chapter 28

Port Charles High:

“I have always been a big kid at heart”. “I love Disney films”. “My fiancée can testify to the fact that when I watch them, I tend to sing along with the songs”, Liz commented.

Artist: Mary Poppins

It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious

Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay

Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad
My father gave me nose a tweak
And told me I was bad

But then one day I learned a word
That saved me achin' nose
The biggest word I ever heard
And this is how it goes, oh

Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious

Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay

He traveled all around the world
And everywhere he went
He'd use his word and all would say
There goes a clever gent

When Dukes and Maharajahs
Pass the time of day with me
I say me special word
And then they ask me out to tea

Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious

Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay
Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay

No, you can say it backwards, which is dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupus
But that's going a bit too far, don't you think?

So when the cat has got your tongue
There's no need for dismay
Just summon up this word
And then you've got a lot to say

But better use it carefully
Or it could change your life
For example, yes, one night I said it to me girl
And now me girl's my wife, oh, and a lovely thing she's too

She's, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

A Whole New World
Various Artists
Aladdin Soundtrack
A Whole New World (Aladdins Theme {the Single Vers
(Menken & Rice)

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But, now, from way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world
(Don't you dare close your eyes)
A hundred thousand things to see
(Hold your breath it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be

A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them aywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

(repeat third verse)

A whole new world
(Every turn a surprise)
With new horizons to purue
(Every moment red-letter)
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Anywhere, there's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place
For you and me

Forever Love
Artist: Reba McEntire

The first time I laid my eyes on you I knew
We'd spend this life side by side
I still feel the same though you're so far away
I swear that you'll always be my

Forever love I promise you
Someday we'll be together forever love
I won't give up, no matter what
I'll be waiting for you forever love

Minutes and hours and years may go by
But my heart knows nothing of time
So, don't cry just keep me right here in your dreams
And hold on to these words of mine

Forever love I promise you
Someday we'll be together forever love
I won't give up, no matter what
I'll be waiting for you, forever love

Love is the road to our destiny
Nothing can change what is meant to be, forever love

I won't give up, no matter what
I'll be waiting for you, forever love
I'll be waiting for you, forever love
Forever love

“When I heard our next artist perform this song, it made me realize that all of us can change what is wrong in our world if we try hard enough”, Elizabeth said to the audience.

What If Lyrics
Artist: Reba McEntire

Sometimes I don't understand
Feels like I'm living in a world gone mad
Look around, all around it's just the same
People just rush everywhere

No time to ever take the time to care
We're the ones, we're the losers in this game
So where is the tenderness we sacrifice for progress
And where is the love we need, you know it makes me wonder

What if everybody, what if everybody reached out with just one hand?
(Reached with just one hand)
What if everybody, what if everybody sang out with just one voice?
(Sang with just one voice)
Maybe we could change things

What if everybody, what if everybody cared with just one heart?
(Cared with their own heart)
What if everybody, what if everybody tried to light one spark?
(Tried to light one spark)
Maybe we could change things somehow

Somehow it's all up to us, gotta take this world
Make it a world of love, gotta do it now
Gotta find a way to make a change somehow
There's gotta be a way for us to make it better

What if everybody, what if everybody reached out with just one hand?
(Reached with just one hand)
What if everybody, what if everybody sang out with just one voice?
(Sang with just one voice)
Maybe we could change things

What if everybody, what if everybody cared with just one hear?t
(Cared with their own heart)
What if everybody, what if everybody tried to light one spark?
(Tried to light one spark)
Maybe we could change things somehow

Here in our hearts, oh, the answer is there
If we only would look inside them
We can make it better, we can make it better
If we try together

What if everybody, what if everybody reached out with just one hand?
(Reached with just one hand)
What if everybody, what if everybody sang out with just one voice?
(Sang with just one voice)
Maybe we could change things

What if everybody, what if everybody cared with just one heart?
(Cared with their own heart)
What if everybody, what if everybody tried to light one spark?
(Tried to light one spark)
Maybe we could change things somehow

Voices That Care

(Ralph Tresvant)
Lonely fear lights up the sky
Can't help but wonder why

(Ralph Tresvant & Randy Travis)
You're so far away

(Celine Dion)
There, you had to take a stand
In someone else's land
Life can be so strange

(Peter Cetera)
I wish we never had to choose
To either win or lose
We could find a way

(Bobby Brown)
We could find a way

(Brenda Russell)
But I won't turn my back again

(Bobby Brown)
Turn my back again

(Brenda Russell)
Your honor I'll defend

(Jani Lane:)
So hurry home till then

(Luther Vandross)
(Till Then)

Stand tall, stand proud
Voices that care
Are crying out loud
And when you close
Your eyes tonight
Feel in your heart
How our love burns bright

(Luther Vandross)
Hurry home

(Garth Brooks & Kathy Mattea)
I'm not here to justify the cause
Or to count up all the loss
That's all been done before

(Gunnar & Matthew Nelson)
Just can't let you feel alone
When there's so much love at home
We're sending out to you

(Michael Bolton)
All the courage that you've known
The bravery you've shown
Clearly lights the way

(Pointer Sisters)
We pray

(Little Richard)
To make the future bright

(Pointer Sisters)
To make the wrong things right

(Will Smith)
Right or wrong
We're all praying you remain strong
That's why we're all here singing along

Hey, hey
Stand tall, stand proud
Voices that care
Are crying out loud
And when you close
Your eyes tonight
Know in your heart
How our love burns bright

(Bobby Brown)
Voices that care
Are crying out loud

And when you close
Your eyes tonight
Feel in your heart
How our love burns bright

(Celine Dion)
You are voice
You are the light

Stand tall, stand proud
Voices that care
Are crying out loud

(Luther Vandross)
Are crying out loud, oooh

And when you close
Your eyes tonight
Feel in your heart
How our love burns bright

Stand tall, stand proud
Voices that care
Are crying out loud
And when you close
Your eyes tonight
Feel in your heart
How our love burns bright

(Warren Wiebe)
You are the voice
And the guiding light
Feel in your heart
How our love burns bright


“I would like to thank all our artists for helping the cause”, Liz said. “I would also like to thank………”

Shot were heard. Then men appeared on stage, grabbing Elizabeth by the hair.

“Nobody move, and no one will get hurt”, the man holding Elizabeth said.

“What do you want”, Mac asked?

“What do we want you ask Commissioner Scorpio”, the man said. “We have what we want right here”; he said yanking Liz closer. “We are also taking the funds raised tonight”.

“I don’t think so”, Sonny said.

“Who are you to say what we’ll do”, another of the men asked?

“Sonny Corinthos”. “And that’s my daughter you’re holding there”. “You’d be wise to let her go”.

“No”, the man said. “She’s out ticket out of here”. And before anyone could spring into action the man and Elizabeth were gone!


“Mac, we have officers down outside”, Taggart said.

“Who the hell are these men”, Mac asked?

“We don’t know”. “But Mac”, “I think they were the ones after Elizabeth”, Marcus said.


“We have to stop them Mac”, Sonny said.

“We will”, Mac said then went to work.


“Not again”, Kate sobbed. “I can’t lose her again”.

“We won’t”, Jason assured her.


Sonny moved off to the side and dialed a number:

“Hello”, Don Sandoval said.

“I need you to put out feelers”. “Someone just took my daughter Elizabeth”, Sonny said.

“How”, Sandoval asked?

“At the benefit concert”, Sonny said. “Let everyone know that I will not tolerate any of the families helping these monsters”.

“I’ll talk to you soon”, Don Sandoval said.


Unknown location:

“Shxx man”! “That’s Sonny Corinthos’ daughter”. “Are you crazy”? “I’m out”!

“I’m out too”, another man said. “I won’t go up against Corinthos”.

“We’re out too”, the rest said. “Corinthos will come after us”. “I’d rather take my chances elsewhere”.

“You are all cowards”! “I’m not afraid of Corinthos”!

“You should be”, the rest said. “But it won’t be Corinthos that kills you”. “It will be Jason Morgan who kills you”! “Because not only is that Corinthos’ daughter; that is Morgan’s girlfriend”.

And with that, they left.


He was left with few choices. He knew that they were right. Corinthos and Morgan would come; and when they did, they’d kill him.


Port Charles High:

“Gibbs”, he barked into his phone.

“Gunny its Mac”. “We need you and your team down at Port Charles High School”.

“Why”, Gibbs asked?

“Some men showed up @ the concert”. “They took the money and Elizabeth”, Mac said.

“I’m on my way”, Gibbs said ending the call.


Chapter 29

“Gunny”, Mac said. “If you have any ideas; now would be the time”.

“I don’t have anything definitive yet”, Gibbs said.

“Okay; lets head out and start looking”, Mac replied.


Unknown location:

When Elizabeth came too; she couldn’t move. Then she realized that she’d been chained to a beam in the middle of a room, and her feet were tied.

The next thing she realized was that she felt off; like she’d been drugged.

The last thing she noticed was that the room was very cold. She was shivering.


Elsewhere ->

Sonny and his men had searched everywhere they could think of, but they hadn’t found Elizabeth.

Kate had become inconsolable and Monica was forced to sedate her.


Gibbs was pissed.

“Jeff”, thanks for coming, Gibbs said.

“No problem Jethro”. “What’s up”, Jeff asked?

“I think you daughter may be the one trying to kill Elizabeth”, Gibbs said.

“But why”, Jeff asked? “Oh god, the money”!

“Yup”! “And now she’s desperate”, Gibbs said. “Do you know where she is”?

“No, only Diana knows”, Jeff answered.

Then let’s go see Diana, Gibbs said.


“Let’s cut to the chase Diana; where’s your daughter”, Gibbs asked?

“I’m not telling you”, Diana said.

At that, Gibbs beeped Jeff to come in.

“Hello Diana”, Jeff said.

“I hope you have some money squared away”, Jeff said looking at her.

“Why”, Diana sneered?

“Because she is apt to be in a world of hurt soon”, Jeff said.

“And why would that be dear Jeff”, Diana said?

“Because, Gibbs started… your daughter is possibly going to be brought up on murder for hire”.

“For what”, Diana asked? “And why would I need money to help her”?

“Because she’s not legally a Webber; because we weren’t legally married Diana”, Jeff said.

“Well, she’s still a Hardy”. Audrey will help her, Diana said.

“She’s not related to the Hardy’s Diana”. “And my stepmom has no intention of helping the woman who is trying to kill Elizabeth”, Jeff said.

“Do you really want Sarah ending up on America’s Most Wanted Diana”, Gibbs said?

There was no response from Diana.

“Take her back McGee”, Gibbs said.


“Agent Gibbs, I would like to see Georgia”, Harrison asked?


“Who are you”, Georgia asked?

“My granddaughter is Frankie Gallagher”, Harrison said. “And I want to know why you hurt my granddaughter and great granddaughter”?

“Because Maggie deserved to be damaged; and as for Frankie’s brat, Frankie hurt my son”, Georgia said. “They both deserved it”!

“No they didn’t”. “And you stole Maggie’s son”, Harrison said.

“He was supposed to be my son”, Georgia screamed!

“No he wasn’t”, Harrison said. “You just wanted what you couldn’t have”! “I’m going to do everything in my power to see you in prison”.


“Hello Georgia”, Mason said entering.

“I’m your mother, so treat me as such”; Georgia yelled.

“YOU’RE NOT MY MOTHER”! “YOU’RE JUST A POOR PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING; who if she doesn’t get what she wants, she just takes it and hurts anyone who gets in her way”, Mason said. “My mom is a really great person who did not deserve what you did to her; and neither did my sister or niece”. “I will make you pay”.


Georgia was pissed. Her life was going to hell. Mason had found out the truth, so had Anthony’s father. “I should have killed Anthony and gotten rid of Maggie”.

“No, you should have realized that at some point you’d get caught”, Jennings said.

“You”, Georgia said. “The bastard of the bitch who cheated on my son”!

“You are just an old pitiful woman that was unlovable”. “No one wanted you, you are a mean hateful woman”, Jenn stated.

“You are exactly like your mother”, Georgia said.

“Go to hell”, Jenn said before walking out.


“Well hello Georgia”, Maggie said. “Quite the pickle you’re in huh”?

“What do you know”, Georgia sputtered?

“I know that you’re in the custody of the WSB; and that you’re being investigated”. “And I’m as free as a bird”, Maggie said.

“You’ll get yours Maggie”, Georgia said.

“Oh, I am so scared”, Maggie said laughing. “Goodbye!!”


“Hello Diana”, Alexandra said walking in and taking a seat.

“Who are you”, Diana asked denying knowing her?

“You know good and well who I am”. “You stole my granddaughter”, Alex said.

“What do you want”, Diana asked?

“You tell me where your daughter is, or I make a call and her name will be placed on the terrorists’ watch list”. “She’ll be hunted like an animal unless you tell me where she is”, Alex said. “And I will kill your daughter if Elizabeth is not returned to us”!

“Why should I tell you anything”, Diana sneered? “Get out!!”


“She’s not planning on helping Alex”. “She’s cruel, mean hateful and heartless just like her daughter”, Harrison said. “Jason will find Elizabeth”.

Then he dialed a number…………


“Dan, its Harrison”. “Take the Diana Webber file and use it to destroy her”.

“Will do boss”.


“Damn it, where is she”, Jason yelled?

“We’ll find her Jason”, Gibbs said.

“But she might not be alive when we do”, Jason said.

“We’re not giving up Jason”. “We will find her”, Sonny said.


“Hello Diana”, Jeff said. “I’m going to tell you what will happen to Sarah”. “Once she is arrested she will be placed in shackles; loaded onto a plane and taken to NCIS”. “From there she’ll be transported to a Super-max prison for life”. “I hope that you won’t mind not being able to see her”.

Unknown location:

“Damn it”, Darnell shouted. “First Diana; now Georgia”.

“Why me”?

Port Charles:

Q mansion:

All those who loved Liz were holding vigil at the mansion. They all prayed that Liz would be found safe and sound.


(sound of phone ringing)

“Hello”, Jeff said.

“Dad”, Sarah stated.

“I don’t have time for your droll Sarah”. “I am heading to Port Charles; Elizabeth was kidnapped”, Jeff said.

“Oh”, Sarah said while giddy inside. “I’ll let you get back to it then”. “Bye”.

“B-Bye”, Jeff said then closed his phone. “That was odd”.


WSB holding cells:

Diana was sitting there thinking. Sarah was in serious trouble; and Diana was unable to help.

“Maybe if you could get Sarah to turn herself in; you might be able to see her, Diana whispered out loud. But do I really want to help that bastard”?


She also knew that Harrison and Alex Falconeri would make her life hell if she didn’t help get that bastard back.

“What have you been doing Sarah”, Diana whispered aloud?


Jason was determined that his future mother in law would not lose her daughter.

“Coming out of his thoughts Jason asked: anything”?

“Not yet”, Max answered.

“Damn it”, Jason said.


->hours later:


“What happened Max”, Sonny asked walking in?

“He walked in and downed 10 beers in 20 minutes”. “Then he started tearing the place apart”, Jake said.

“Where is he Max”, Sonny asked?

“Upstairs”. “After Johnny got him up there, he fell apart”. “He won’t let anyone in”, Max stated.

Above Jake’s:

Jason was out cold. And he was reliving every moment he’d had with Elizabeth in his sleep.


“NO!!”, Jason screamed as he bolted upright.

“Please don’t let me lose her”, he cried out.

Unknown location;

As Elizabeth looked around her prison, she realized that she was in a cold storage room somewhere. She also realized that because it was so cold in the room, that it was a very real possibility that she very well may die in that room.

“I don’t want to die”, she sobs.


“This just in……………

We were just informed that an attempt was made on the life of a prisoner in the custody of the WSB.

Dr. Diana Webber was attacked a few weeks ago. It is still unknown as to who is responsible.

No further information has been given”.


“I’m willing to make a deal here Georgia; you tell me all and you live”. “You don’t tell all and I’ll make sure you get death”, Gibbs said.

Georgia was silent.


“So Diana; what will it be”? “The rest of your life never having contact with your daughter, or you getting to see her once a month”, Gibbs asked?

“I want an attorney”, Diana said.

Gibbs handed her a phone………………

“Hello”, Daniel Garrison answered.

“Daniel, its Diana”. “I need your help”.

“I’m sorry Diana”. “I am no longer able to help you”, Daniel informed the woman before ending the call.

Daniel had been informed that if he helped her he could kiss his legal career goodbye.


Diana was royally screwed. Harrison Falconeri had kept his promise. He had made sure she’d never get out of this. Now what would she do?


Unknown location:

“What may I do for you”, he asked?

“I have a job for you”.

“What do you need”, he asked?

“I want this man dead”, the person said handing him a photo.

“When”, he asked?


“May I ask why”, he questioned?

“Because he’s as responsible as Ms. Webber for my son being dead”.

“It’ll be done”, he responded.


-> hours later:

Jason was back looking for Elizabeth. But he wouldn’t be able to move on from this until he found her.

“Jas……” Max said as shots started ringing out.

Seconds later, Max saw Jason lying in a pool of blood.


General Hospital:

“Alan its Jason”, Sonny said.

“How is he Alan”, Sonny asked?

“He came out of surgery fine; but he’s going to have quite a recovery time though”. “And it will help when Liz is found”, Alan said.


“Oh god”. “Something’s happened to Jason”. “I feel it”. “Now who will find me"?

She cried until the cold got to making her lose consciousness.


No one knew it, but Elizabeth was fading fast. The cold was setting in.


Sonny was sitting with Jason when his phone beeped……


“Boss, it’s Stan”.

“What have you got”, Sonny questioned?

“You need to send men to this address…… between Rochester and Port Charles”, Stan said.

“Will do”, Sonny said before hanging up. “Go”, he said to Johnny and Francis.


“Max, we need that door opened”, Francis said. They’d been working on it for the last 10 minutes.

“I know…… got it”, Max yelled.

Once the door was open Francis ordered:

“Search the entire building”.


It was 10 minutes later that they found the cold storage room.

“Look”, Max said. “If the building hasn’t been used in a while, why is there a lock on it”?

Francis then saw a thermostat and got a glance, then said:

“Get that chain and lock off now”!

Max immediately went to work and got the chain and the lock off the door.


“Elizabeth”, Francis said approaching?

“There was no response”.


“Johnny she’s blue; we need to get her to GH”, Francis said.

They didn’t wait for an ambulance. They took her right to GH.

General Hospital:

“ALAN”, Francis shouted as he, Max and Johnny rushed in with Elizabeth.

“What happened”, Bobbie asked? “She’s blue”.


“Lay her here Francis”, Alan said pointing to a gurney.

They then started working on Liz.


Soon after they got all the monitors hooked up, Elizabeth flat-lined.

“Start CPR now”, Alan said as he and the staff worked to save Elizabeth.


As the 3 men watched they knew that all they could do was send out a text to all of the family and tell them to come to GH.


“Grandpa Steve”, Elizabeth said when she saw him?

“Yes my little Lizziebell”, Steve Hardy said.

“Where are we”, Liz asked?

“We are at what might be called a staging area”, Steve said.

“Did I die grandpa Steve”, Elizabeth asked?

“Yes, but Alan and everyone are trying to bring you back”, Steve said.

“What happens now”, Elizabeth asked?


Posts : 33
Join date : 2017-07-22

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